Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Biker babes

I have really started to realize that I like alliteration way too much. And yet, I still can't stop myself from using it in today's post title. It must be some kind of sickness.

I am loving the more fall-like weather this week. The mornings are chilly and require a sweater, the afternoons are warm but not hot. This might just be my favorite time of year. And the kids are enjoying it too. While I was slaving away at the stove making dinner (we had BLTs so maybe I wasn't slaving away, but still), the kids were out in the backyard riding Gabriel's tricycle. And then they found things to use as microphones and were singing together. It was probably the cutest thing ever but of course I didn't get any pictures of the singing part. I did manage to break away from my oh-so-labor-intensive dinner (ok, again maybe I exaggerate a bit) to snap a few shots of them riding the tricycle. Aren't they the best? I think so.

Some other things from last night: I caught Gabe letting the kids jump off his dresser onto our bed (and you thought I was bad for letting them jump on Mary's couch!) and Frejya and I busted out the craft box and did some drawing and painting for a book project she's working on (I also found out that she had the option to just write the author a letter, but instead chose to write and act out a skit that requires props - fun times!). And I'm trying to be better about organizing everything the night before instead of being in a huge, chaotic rush every morning before work/school so I made Frejya's and my lunches before going to bed. That way I can just make the sandwiches in the morning and be good to go. My lunch doesn't have a cute note in it though. And no sunscreen either. I don't have PE time in the afternoon that requires me to be in the sun for awhile.

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