Monday, October 3, 2011

The one about the ear

Yesterday morning started out so peaceful. Frejya was up and out of the house pretty early for a walk to cure diabetes.

And for some reason Gabriel was super tired so I got about half an hour of quiet before he woke up. I made coffee and watched a little TV. Quiet mornings are the best. And then Gabriel woke up. I heard him talking in his crib so I went to get him out and was greeted by Sloth from the Goonies. There really is no better way to describe what he looked like. One of his eyes was slightly puffy and his right ear was hugely swollen and stuck way out to the side of his head. It was bright red and extremely hot to the touch. And Gabriel didn't even notice it. He was happy as can be and ready to start his day. Needless to say, I called the doctor right away. I then called my sister to have her tell our pastor I wasn't going to be at church to teach Sunday school and we were off to urgent care. And somehow things were totally working in our favor because we made it to the appointment on time and got right in to see the doctor. And guess what? It turns out it was just an exaggerated reaction to a bug bite. Isn't that nice? Who knew a little flea bite could do this:

So nasty! But luckily the Benadryl has helped a lot. And Gabriel loves the taste so getting him to take it is no problem at all. I'm just so worried now about other bug bites and more specifically, bee stings. Big Gabe is super allergic to bees and if Gabriel can react to just a flea bite like this, I'm scared to see what will happen if he ever gets stung. Guess I'll be carrying Benadryl with me wherever I go from now on.

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