Monday, November 7, 2011

Brownies are yummy

Gabriel discovered this weekend that brownies are awesome. He also learned how to say the word awesome. He doesn't say it when he talks about brownies, though. He says it after he jumps off my bed onto a big pile of pillows. This is probably his very favorite activity these days. And probably the least safe of all the things he does on a daily basis. So I'm not going to post pictures of it, but will instead post some of him enjoying the brownie mix after Frejya made us all brownies Saturday night. And maybe you'll notice that he's up at the sink in these pictures. He also discovered how to push a chair across the kitchen and turn on the water in the sink this weekend.

Another awesome thing that happened this weekend is that we got Iris (again!) for a few hours. Oh how I love me some time with Iris! She and Gabriel are both getting to a bit of a bullying age and don't share toys very well. For the most part Iris ends up as top dog and Gabriel ends up crying. But then there are other times when they play together perfectly well.

And finally I would like to share Frejya's jack-o-lantern with you all. She carved it all by herself this year. Exciting stuff!


  1. So cute! Did Frejya dig out all the gunk inside by herself too? That's the worst part...

  2. She did! The only thing we helped with was cutting the hole in the bottom. She did everything else all by herself.
